Zucche Restani
La Qualità delle Migliori Zucche, dal 1961 a Casa Tua
Dal 1961, Zucche Restani si dedica a portare sulle vostre tavole solo le migliori zucche, selezionate con la massima cura per garantire gusto autentico e freschezza. Ogni zucca che offriamo è scelta con l'attenzione e la passione che ci contraddistinguono da oltre sessant'anni, perché crediamo che solo il meglio meriti di arrivare nella vostra cucina. Grazie al nostro servizio di spedizione online, le zucche che selezioniamo per voi arrivano fresche e pronte per essere trasformate in piatti deliziosi, ovunque voi siate.
Con Zucche Restani, la qualità è di casa, dal 1961.
With over fifty years of experience, the RESTANI company has redefined over time the guidelines of an authentic and versatile product such as the PUMPKIN , thanks to a scrupulous and continuous process of research and selection of the best specimens in the world. Trust the people who have experience and know the product well, here you will find the best quality of Delica Pumpkin available on the market.
We care a lot about nature and climate change, for this reason, from the boxes to the transport we are 100% ECO-SUSTAINABLE and GREEN .
Many choose us for the quality of our products, the ease of ordering, the attention, availability and care given to our customers.
But in particular they choose us for HER, the Queen of Pumpkins, the Delica Pumpkin!
Famous for its dry, compact and floury consistency and for the chestnut aftertaste it leaves, so much so that it is called "chestnut pumpkin" or "chestnut pumpkin".
Order your delica pumpkin on our online shop and try it. Choose the pioneers of the craft as your trusted suppliers.
Our strength is to have the product available all year round, we do our best to guarantee the best quality of the moment. However, being a natural product, it is good to know that it can undergo qualitative fluctuations that depend on the period, the season and the climatic variations.