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The evolution of the history of pumpkin shows a progressive rise: from a poor food of peasant cuisine, it gained access to ducal or court gastronomy, where it was refined and enriched, and then spread widely to bourgeois gastronomy.

Today, thanks to the many qualities on the market and improved conservation methods, it is possible to enjoy it all year round.

From the typically Italian creative intelligence, traditional and innovative recipes are born, constantly attentive to the quality of raw materials and excellent products from the various regions.

Un pranzo speciale a casa Restani




Pumpkin cream and cheese foam


  • 500 g. of pumpkin

  • 200 g. whipping cream

  • 250 g. of fresh goat cheese

  • thyme, marjoram and rosemary

  • salt and pepper

Preparation: 20' Cooking: 45'

  1. Clean the pumpkin, removing the peel, seeds and filaments, then weigh about 300 grams.

  2. Cut it into pieces and put it in a saucepan, cover it with water and boil it.

  3. Once cooked, drain any excess water and blend the pumpkin with a mixer.

  4. Season with salt and pepper. Once the pumpkin has cooled, add the previously whipped cream. To prepare the cheese foam, work the goat cheese with a spoon until it becomes creamy and add the chopped aromatic herbs.

  5. Place a little pumpkin cream in individual bowls and, on top of it, a curl of goat's cheese foam, then serve.


First course

Crespelle di grano saraceno con

zucca e chiodini

Ingredienti per 4-6 persone:


Per le crespelle:

  • (dose per circa 16 crespelle da circa 22 centimetri di diametro)

  • 330 g. di farina di grano saraceno

  • 750 ml di acqua

  • 10 ml di olio extravergine d’oliva

  • 1 uovo

  • 15 g. di sale

  • 10 g. di burro fuso


Per il ripieno:

  • 1 kg. di zucca

  • 250 g. di funghi chiodini

  • 25 ml di olio extravergine d’oliva

  • 80 g. di scamorza affumicata

  • 2 spicchi d’aglio

  • 1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato

  • qualche rametto di timo

  • sale e pepe


Per il condimento:

  • 10 g. di burro fuso



Preparazione: 50’ Riposo: 1 h Cottura: 7-8’

Miscelate nel bicchiere di un frullatore gli ingredienti della pastella per le crespelle e fate riposare il composto in frigorifero per almeno un’ora. Pulite i funghi e lavate la zucca, eliminando buccia e semi, e tagliatene 400 grammi a dadini. Cuocete la parte restante al forno o al vapore e frullatela. Scaldate l’olio in una padella e insaporitevi l’aglio sbucciato e qualche rametto di timo, da eliminare dopo un paio di minuti. Aggiungete la zucca a dadini e, dopo altri due minuti, i funghi. Salate e pepate. Fate cuocere, mantenendo le verdure un po’ croccanti, poi spolverizzate con il prezzemolo. Fate intiepidire e unite 200 grammi di polpa di zucca e la scamorza a dadini. Preparate le crespelle (le dosi indicate sono per una quantità di 16, da 22 cm di diametro; per 4-6 persone, ne servono 8, le altre potete congelarle), e farcitene 8, con il ripieno alla zucca. Chiudetele a piacere (a fagottino, a fazzoletto…), e disponetele in una pirofila imburrata. Cospargetele con un goccio di burro fuso, e infornatele a 180°C per 7-8 minuti.



Second course

Pumpkin Stuffed Mushrooms

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 300 g. of pumpkin

  • 12 g. of porcini mushrooms

  • 50 g. of shallot

  • 50 g. grated Parmigiano Reggiano

  • 25 ml. extra virgin olive oil

  • ½ clove of garlic

  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

  • 1 sprig of rosemary

  • 1 sprig of thyme

  • salt and pepper

Preparation: 30' Cooking: 10'

  1. Clean the pumpkin, remove the seeds and filaments and cut it into cubes of about 2 millimeters per side. Clean the mushrooms and separate the caps from the stems. Cut the stems like the pumpkin.

  2. Wash and dry the aromatic herbs, then chop the rosemary and thyme leaves, the shallot and the garlic separately. In a pan over medium heat, heat half the oil, then sauté the pumpkin cubes, seasoning with salt and pepper. Set the pumpkin aside and, in the same pan, sauté the mushrooms with the herbs, shallot, garlic and half the parsley with the remaining oil.

  3. Continue cooking for about 2 minutes, then add the already sautéed pumpkin cubes.

  4. Let it cool and add the grated Parmigiano Reggiano (keep a spoonful aside) and the remaining parsley, then season with salt and pepper.

  5. Stuff the mushroom caps, sprinkle them with the remaining Parmigiano Reggiano and bake them at 180°C for 10 minutes.



Balsamic Pumpkin Salad

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 350 g. cooked pumpkin pulp (allow about double the amount of raw pumpkin)

  • 100 g. of mixed salad

  • 12 ml. of balsamic vinegar

  • 35 ml. extra virgin olive oil

  • 40 g. of toasted hazelnuts

  • salt

Preparation: 30'

  1. Wash the pumpkin, peel it and cut it into pieces, removing the seeds and filaments, then steam it with the appropriate basket for about 20 minutes or until it is soft but not mushy (alternatively, cook it in a pressure cooker for 2-4 minutes).

  2. Let it cool, then cut it into large cubes.

  3. Prepare a sauce by dissolving the salt in the vinegar and then mixing them with the oil.

  4. Arrange the pumpkin cubes on the mixed salad, add the chopped hazelnuts and season with the balsamic sauce.



Pumpkin and poppy seed puff pastry

Ingredients for 4 people:

200 g. puff pastry

For the filling

  • 350 g. of pumpkin

  • 20 g. of brown sugar

  • 10 g. of honey

  • 20 g. of poppy seeds

  • 20 g. of sugar

  • 1 pinch of salt

For the finishing

  • 1 egg

Preparation: 40' Cooking: 20'

Wash the pumpkin, peel it and remove the seeds, then cut it into 2 cm pieces.

Coarsely grind the poppy seeds (you can use a coffee grinder) and put them in a saucepan with the melted butter. Cook them over low heat for a couple of minutes, then add the pumpkin, honey, sugar and a pinch of salt. Continue cooking until the pumpkin is cooked but still firm. Leave to cool. In the meantime, roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 5 millimetres. Using a pastry cutter, cut out discs of 10 centimetres in diameter, then use a rolling pin to lower them to a thickness of 2-3 millimetres, giving them an oval shape. Brush the edges with a little beaten egg, place the filling in the centre and close the pastry like a sack. Place the puff pastry on a baking tray lined with baking paper, brush the surface with the remaining beaten egg and bake at 200°D for about 20 minutes.

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